Why Why Why Delilah

(the food hoover)

Stony Pasture WhyWhy.jpg

Year of Birth: 2017
Show record: Not shown

Whywhy is daughter to Moss the boss and was a bit of a shock. Alpacas are meant to have a solid coloured fleece and brown eyes. The little baby lying in the field, staring up at the August sunshine was huge and appeared to be wearing a brown coloured dog coat, with big brown spots and splodges on her head and legs, including an attractive 'nanny McPhee' style brown spot on her chin. As I approached the sleeping 'beauty' she gently opened her WHITE marbly coloured eyes and all I could do was burst out laughing. The name of this little creature....... Why Why Why Delilah........ of course!  Whywhy is a lovely gentle, food orientated alpaca and had her son Freddie in 2020, her daughter Arianwyn in 2022 and her son Zonda in 2023. Her dark chocolate fleece is perfect for vintage styles of knitwear.